Summer learning journey hero 2023

Hello everyone my name is Alyssa and today  i’m doing my summer learning journey task. For this task we are learning how to make our own hero, and this is what i have created.

Name: Alice Pedro

Power: Time stop & Water

Where she lives: Village, Italy

Language: Italian & English

Gender:  Female

Age: 18

beautiful anime girl with long dark hair and captivating blue eyes, gray background.

One thought on “Summer learning journey hero 2023

  1. Kia ora Alyssa,

    What an awesome superhero you have created. I especially like the detail that she is from a small Italian village. I can’t help but wonder how someone from a small village in Italy becomes a superhero though, can you include her origin story (background story of how she became a superhero)?

    You mention her powers are time stop & water. To clarify you mean to stop time? What is she able to do with water? Freeze it, warm it up, move it, something different?

    If you could have any power in the world what would it be? Mine would be to think of a place, click my fingers and I could be there. What would yours be?

    Thank you for including a description in your blog post, remember the more information you can include in your blog post, the better. You can include details like the task description, step by step guide of how you completed it, a reflection and even any questions you might have.

    Keep up the blogging Alyssa,

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