Summer learning Journey task 3

For this next task you had to go on a site called Groove pizza and make music using the site.

A challenge I faced while doing this was making a good beat.

A fun thing about this was learning how to make the beats because it was a new experience for me.

I hope you like the beat i made !

2 thoughts on “Summer learning Journey task 3

  1. Kia ora Alyssa,

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey for 2023/2024! It’s great that you’ve chosen to be part of this. Making music can be hard particularly when you first start learning. It’s great to read that you enjoyed the activity and were able to solve the challenge you faced. Can you think of when else you would be able to use Groove Pizza in the classroom?

    We look forward to seeing more of your awesome creates throughout the Summer.

    Mrs Taylor 🙂

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