Rona and the Moon ( recount )

Kia ora, this is my Rona and the Moon story ( recount )

I hope you enjoy this story.

    Rona and The Moon



One night Rona’s husband sent her to get some water from the river. It was a dark night but the light from the moon helped her see.


When she got to the river she got her hue and filled it up with water. After filling up her hue she went to walk back to the marae. Suddenly the clouds covered the moon. The moonlight was no longer seen so she couldn’t see anything in the dark. As she was walking she suddenly tripped on a rock “ ouch “ she said as her hue of water fell on the ground. She got up and stomped her foot and started yelling at the moon. Then a voice from the moon said “ Be careful what you say rona, or you will be made to pay”. 


Eventually the cloud moved and let the moon shine upon the path. Rona then went back to the river and  filled her hue with water. As she was heading back to the Marae, another cloud covered the moon and she fell again. Rona then got up and stomped her feet while yelling at the moon. The moon heard Rona again, so he reached down to take her. The moon pulled Rona into the sky. As Rona got taken she quickly grabbed onto a branch on the Ngaio tree and held it.


Sadly the branch was not strong enough and it snapped. Rona couldn’t leave so she stayed with the moon in the night sky. After a while Rona fell in love with the moon. The moon asked Rona if  she wanted to return back to earth but Rona said, “no!” So the moon made Rona a beautiful black cloak with bright stars. Ronas’ husband searched for her, but could not find her. He looked into the night sky and saw his wife with the moon. On a clear night, if you look at the moon you will be able to see Rona holding onto her Ngaio branch and her beautiful star cloak.


By Alyssa 

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